
Back2myroots B2MR    Click here for new web site!!!!!!!

Back2myroots : A place to share thoughts and grow idea’s. B2MR

Image  has now been moved to a .ORG account

With a new look web site many new topic’s and articles sign up to follow register to get monthly news letter and free PDF downloads. see you there Mike B2MR

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Posted by on June 10, 2012 in Beauty hair salon


Switch over of site

Back2myroots: B2MR
Over the next couple of days the final touches are being made to switch over to a .org word press account this will give more freedom enabling me to share new thoughts ides and links with everyone.please be patient once done it will still all access through
many thanks Mike B2MR

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Posted by on April 23, 2012 in Beauty hair salon



New look shared vision

Back2myroots : A place to share thoughts and grow idea’s. B2MR

A vision shared:

It has always been my goal to use this web site and indeed all the blogs as platform to share thoughts thoughts and views.
My vision has been to create a place for even one to have access to some educational material but also topic’s of interest maybe articles that provoke some thoughts push a few buttons make a difference.

Over the course of doing this and as we launch the new look to the web site and what it has to offer. I have learned much along the way two things have been very valuable to me.
First and foremost connecting with Karen and David Owners of they have shared a great deal with me about their goal dreams aspirations a vision for the future in our industry the salon support material they have produced is relevant to all salon owners and stylist in the coming weeks i will be promoting there material and sharing links to it. Although they are based in Australia and New Zealand they have proved that with todays social media tools the internet webinar downloads audio support any thing is possible.The issue we all experience in our industry are very much the same what ever the continent what every the government or over seeing bodies . It’s only professional committed industry professional who can really make a difference and help to make change happen.

I have been given an opportunity here from a Uk base to be an affiliate to promote and sure the material they offer and think that it could make a huge difference to all those struggling to survive or looking for answers to a way forward.

My other huge reward has been LinkedIn having established a profile i started a professional hairdresser net working group it has steadily grown over the past months to having a true international following in excess of 1000 members. the topic’s raised and the comments placed make it very worth while. What i never expected from this was how much i could learn and gain from the honest sharing of others or indeed how if you place the right topic’s and post honest points to questions raise you can and do attract and so connect with so many like mined professionals all wanting to make a difference this has been one of my greatest rewards and certainly i am very humbled by the comments some have made the honesty of some and the ongoing support.
I would post some personal thanks but the professionals who i have really connected with you know who you are and i thank you so much for your support your comments. your professional confidences.

It is my on going mission my vision to carry on developing the web site and the blogs. My hope is to add and develop material that creates discussion evokes thought. I also hope to develop some material for down load some in conjunction with Karen and David. This will be in the coming months but i’m sharing it with you as i’m very excited about the challenge and possibilities

Mike B2MR


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The hair salon the industry what do they mean to you?

 Back2myroots : 

A place to share thoughts and grow idea’s. B2MR

                What is a hair dressing salon?:

Is it just a place to do business? Is it a hub a hive of activity? A place where like minded talented stylist get together to share there talents to gain and share experience. A place to train and be trained! A place to work your craft build a reputation be a success. It is so much more consider for a client. It’s a place of relaxation. A place to socialise palace to trust, in many cases as stylist we can and do build strong bonds of trust even friendships with our clients.
For a salon to succeed be a successful Business so many factors have to come together.

Many things to consider Location a key component. Image the very essence of the business. Goals. Vision. Staff. Products. Marketing. Innovative thinking collaboration. All of theses are key component’s for success is any one more important than another:

A point for discussion what do you think? For me it’s the team. Management and all the staff.

The Team:                    

Here is an example on the above. Who owns the salon? Who are Staff hard to tell. they all look equal they are a real team.I’m sure they have structure and mutual respect. But it’s not a dictatorship it’s not a salon class system.

I have been writing quite a few of these Blogs mainly for me a way to share and reflect, I do it seems come back to the same key themes.

Education. Knowledge. Honesty and Service. creative thinking open discussion. Personal development openness to learn. To embrace criticism and valuable feed work,collaborate be a team player . We should never stop learning or wanting too! Never think we know it all! { us hairdressers have big ego’s and it can get in the way}  Success and learning and service if you don’t like people don’t like communicating why be a hairdresser! Being honest with your self about who you are being honest with your clients really important if you want to succeed.

I read a recent article

One person had written in raising a question about his partners in a salon being more interested in platform work self promotion than being committed to the business:

                                                           {back to ego issues }

Having worked for a number of years as both an educator and platform Artist I know how much fun it can be. The rush of walking out on a stage introducing yourself your models you have and own the stage your centre of attention.

                                                       {For that brief moment}

Being an educator and platform artist can help you promote both your self and your business. This should be the reason for doing it! Yes to further your career to gain knowledge to share but don’t get sucked into thinking your really that special. Dangerous it’s not fame it’s fore filling that inner need to a platform to show off the most important things is to learn and share help develop the salon your teammates. Encourage personal development of all skills both hands on technical but also personal growth.

The big Colour Companies need us to sell promote educate their products. At the end of the the day your Salon should be your priority why? It’s yours to build to grow without the constrains dictated to you when representing a large corporate concern. Use the education experience you gain to share with your staff use your skills knowledge on your clients use the fact that you are an industry expert to your advantage. support your juniors your trainees.

Another interesting topic stylist with poor client retention key to business a stylist who is unable to build a client base is questionable. A stylist who gets no returns or recommendations from clients the salon gives them is costing the business money. 

                                                   {what would you do in this situation?}

This is time for open honest discussion with owner manager staff member: Time for honesty and truth ask the key question why do you think we are in this situation. make them take responsibility set out a plan together to improve set out a time frame for change set a date for review.
Communication is key having said that the individual has to take responsibility for their actions or lack their of, suggest in salon training nights a time to share thoughts idea’s courses education, maybe a course in service handling clients, a little attitude adjustment. Finally as an owner i would set a dead line for giving them clients, suggesting that after an agreed period a new stylist is being brought in and it will be their turn to be promoted. Harsh maybe but it’s but it’s how to move your business forward.

keys to salon success:

Choose the best products you can stay on top of new products: be informed question everything!

As new Colour lines come out try them have in salon training and Demo days.

Educate your self and your staff on the products you use then you can  share and educate your clients.
Have staff get to gather open debate creative discussion nights collaborate ion idea’s

Clients love know that your a true professional share you knowledge that Consultation your time to shine.
These shots are close up’s of hair i have coloured highlights all over colour multi shade highlights permanent semi permanent learn it all

It is my view for success surround yourself choose to work with people you like respect and can learn from Motivated talented creative honest stylist, who are also willing to learn to share to help grow the business, develop your team, work with problem solvers not makers! be the salon for training and education share and reward success with your team be that salon of solutions!

Encourage personal growth and education. stay on top of new products have in salon education events strive to be the best have the best reputation this will create a place people will want to work in clients will want to be a part of. I hope that this article will be of interest to both stylist owners managers educators and platform artist’s we are all part of a team.


Coloured with Red Copper tone her natural hair level is a 6 dark Blonde.

Colour used was for deposit only when going tone on tone unless we want to bring the clients own pigment out lift is not required.

Using say 10 vol may have made this even brighter but would create roots issues down the road. This up do was created to get as much height as possible without it falling down or over. In this instance two scouring pads were used like doughnuts on top of each other some hair pulled through the hole in the middle this creates the cascading hair from the top the rest is wrapped around allowing free fall providing texture and movement. Finally from the front view a very loose sexy look  with lots of height but still keeping lots of softness

As the hair falls down. Putting hair up in this manner with a firm base as a structure will not fall down.



Become a part of this Blog {quote} 

Hello Mike – nice blog. Way too “expert” for me the layperson/ consumer but nonetheless interesting and educational. kirsten:


Next week will be switching to a new look with a new .org address this will enable me to offer more material and start offering down loads on some material I hope that over time I can develop the site as a place to come to to share thoughts but also gain information that might help you develop as both a creative stylist but also on  personal and business level. best to all Mike B2MR

next week subscribe to email up dates get a free download PDF.


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new face book page

Back2myroots: A place to share views thoughts topic’s

A new face book page for any one to join  from the web site

Mike B2MR

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Posted by on April 19, 2012 in Beauty hair salon

